

Assistant Professor

Dr Hicham Mourad is coordinator of the Master of International Relations


Hicham Mourad holds a PhD in political science from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), in 1993. He has been teaching at Cairo University since 1995. He was First Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Cultural Relations in 2017-2018, visiting professor at the University of Montpellier in 2018 and gives seminars at the Institute of Political Studies in Grenoble (France). He taught at the Arab academy for science and technology, the Institute of Diplomatic Studies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the National training Academy (Cairo).

He has collaborated with several research centers, including the Institute of Research And Studies on the Mediterranean and the Middle East (Paris), the Middle East Institute (Washington), the Centre of political and strategic studies of Al-Ahram (Cairo), the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (Paris), the Cairo Regional Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa and the National Center for Middle Eastern Studies (Cairo).

He pursues also a career of writer and journalist. He was a founder of the French-language newspaper Al-Ahram Hebdo in 1994, where he was successively head of the international service, managing director and editor-in-chief. He is now a columnist for the newspaper.

He was named in 2015 “Knight of the National Order of Merit” by the French President and received the Certificate of Distinction in Teaching Political Science, at Cairo University in 2009.

Teaching Area

International relations, foreign policy, political sociology, Western political systems, political systems in Africa, Africa in the international system, political science research methods.

Research Area

International relations, foreign policy, geopolitics, Arab world, Middle East, Egypt, Africa.


  • PhD in Political Sciences from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France

Selected Publications

  • L’Égypte en lutte contre le stress hydrique, Relations, N°818, automne 2022.
  • Macron, Macronism and the presidential election in France (in Arabic), Al-Democratiya [Democracy], October 2021.
  • Les tribulations de la Turquie dans le monde arabe, Diplomatie-Les Grands Dossiers, N°63, août-septembre 2021.