Management-Information Systems Faculty

Organizations, whether they are market or non-market, carry out missions for their publics. The management of these organizations aims at ensuring the good realization of their mission to satisfy customers, shareholders and investors as well as society. The manager is responsible for the efficiency of the organization. His or her commitment is as much towards his or her clients, employees and shareholders (private or public) as towards society to ensure economic development in harmony with sustainable development.

Thus, the manager must master team management but also have technical knowledge in economics, finance, marketing, data processing or human resources. Agility is an essential quality for the manager’s job. His skills are multiple: he must be at ease with both numbers and words. The manager is a key person within organizations who bridges all functions.

The Faculty of Management and Information Systems is committed to developing young leaders who are trilingual and able to meet the challenges they will face during their careers.

The Faculty of Management is headed by Denis Darpy, President of UFE
