Bachelor in Applied Languages

Bachelor in Applied Languages

Partner university, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle


Type de partnership :

Joint Degree between UFE and Sorbonne Nouvelle

The bachelor of Applied languages prepares to trilingual carreers (French, English and Arabic) in complex economic, cultural and social environments. The programme is designed with partner companies ans organizations. Students will attend languages courses, civivilization and cultural courses as well as management (finance and accounting). International organizations and political life is also in the scope of the programme while civil and international law is proposed to the students.


Objectives of the program

  • To master two foreign languages (French and English) and their idiomatic words in law, economics, management and computer science.
  • To master translation techniques in economics and international trade.
  • To master communication abilities in a work environnement
  • Understanding the legal aspects of international trade.

The multidisicplinarity of the Bachelor in Applied Languages is opening the students to various carreers. Our alumni work as translators, interpretors, international trade managers, in banking, in tourism.


At the end of the second or third year, students complete an intership in a company. The aim is to enable students to acquire new professional skills useful for their future careers.

Support is provided in the second and third year in order to guide students towards finding a good internship appropriate to the training provided and to teach sudents how to write a CV and a cover letter in addition to learning how to conduct a job interview.

Students must complete an internship of at least six weeks. The internships are carried out in one or two of the three languages of the department. Internships can be done in multinational companies like Alcatel, Microsoft, Carrefour, Danone or in international organizations like WHO, FAO, UN or in a localization companies like Arabize and Saudisoft.

Two administrative and academic tutors monitor the internships carried out by the student. Students must submit a report and the submission of the internship report is compulsory for the award of the diploma.

Admission requirement

Education is bilingual either in French or in English. Students must master both languages at the end of their studies in addition of Arabic. To integrate UFE, students must demonstrate a minimum level either in English or French equivalent to B1 level as well as A2 in the other language. A mandatory pre-semester is organized before courses start.

Application evaluation with grades, a recommendation letter of the High School and a video presenting a personal statement (Who Am I, What do I like, Whom do I want to become,…)

Admission process

Admission is open. Please call 17054. Please go on Admission page.

International mobility

The bachelor of the applied languages is a program from Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. The graduate of the Applied languages can pursue his/her studies in France or in Europe

Credits & Teaching language

180 European Credits

French and English

After the program

Graduates of the Applied Languages degree can continue their studies in a Master’s degree in France or in Europe.


The fees for year 2023-204 are 115 000 EGP for one year  plus 170 euros to be paid to the partner university.

Internship and
professional integration

The Bachelor in Applied Languages is an accredited License from Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. Some of the best students will have a possibility of mobility in Paris for one semester.

Graduates of the Applied Languages degree can continue their studies in a Master’s degree in France or in Europe.

The bachelor in Applied Languages is trilingual and professional. It is based on the educational methods that meet the socio-economic needs of the market. The teaching method encourages thinking and respect for the professional values such as the collaborative work, punctuality, respect of deadlinse, seriousness and efficiency, the spirit of synthesis and the critical analysis. Students are also trained by using the nex technologies in the tzwo options offered in L3 : “Business and commerce” and “specialized translation”.

There are two types of courses that are offered:

Lectures and workshops; The courses extend over six semesters. The academic year begins in September and ends in June. The control of the knowledge acquired by the students is carried throughout the work requested during the semester and the final exams. The final result is the cumulative results of the two semesters (including the continuous assessment). The final grade is composed as follows :

60% for exams and 40% for continuous assessment. The continuous assessment note is cumulative results for the various individual and collective work carried out as part of the course and at home : homeworks, in class work, projects, research, presentations, worksheets, readings and individual participation during classes.

Pre-semester course
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 6





Grammar language A
Grammar language B
Communication technology Language A
Communication technology Language B
Country cultural identity Language A
Country cultural identity Language B
Introduction to Economics 1
Methodology of academic work
Modern foreign language, professionalizing EU or free EU
Grammar language A
Communication technique Language A ›Grammar language B
Communication technique Language B ›Country cultural identity Language A
Country cultural identity Language B
Introduction to economics 2
Initiation to law
Modern foreign language, professionalizing EU or free EU
Digital culture 1
French version
Applied language A
Translation practice Language A
Applied language B
Translation practice Language B
Institutions and political life in countries Language A
Institutions and political life in countries Language B
Introduction to contract law
Monetary and Financial Economics 1
Modern foreign language, professionalizing EU or free EU
Digital culture 2
Applied language A
Linguistic and cultural mediation Language A
Applied language B
Linguistic and cultural mediation Language B
Institutions and political life in countries Language A
Institutions and political life in countries Language B
Introduction to labor law
Monetary and Financial Economics 2
Modern foreign language, professionalizing EU or free EU
Approach, Trades, Skills

Specialty language A
Specialty language B
Language mediation language A
Linguistic mediation language B
Economy, society and culture of Language A countries
Economy, society and culture of Language B countries
International trade law
European economy 1
Modern foreign language or professionalizing EU or free EU

Written and professional communication
Economy Management

Translation practice and technique – Language A
Translation practice and technique – Language B
Terminology and Lexicon Language A
Terminology and Lexicon Language B
French lexicon

Specialty language A
Specialty language B
Language mediation language A
Linguistic mediation language B
Economy, society and culture of Language A countries
Economy, society and culture of Language B countries
European economy 2
Modern foreign language, professionalizing EU or free EU

Corporate communication ›Business economics

Translation practice and technique – Language A
Translation practice and technique – Language B
Terminology and Lexicon Language A
Terminology and Lexicon Language B
Semantic French